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© Máté Bence

Tropical Leaves


Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access
for the research community in Panamá
impressionistic tropical leaves.jpg

Local guides

Check out our newly launched local guide to Gamboa-BCI for tips on getting to Gamboa and other info. Email to contribute to the local guide initiative!


IDEA is a grassroots group dedicated to bringing to light underlying social forces that create barriers to success in scientific careers. We encourage people of all genders, career stages and parts of the scientific process to attend (administrators, field technicians, staff scientists, research associates, fellows, interns, men and women of all ethnicities, community members past and present). We strive to create an inclusive space for learning, compassion, open discussion, and positive solutions for change.

Click here to join the mailing list

Counseling services

Free, confidential counseling is available to Smithsonian affiliates. This includes employees, fellows, interns, research associates, etc. and is available in a variety of languages, including Spanish and English.  This is run through INOVA and their Employee Assistance Program,

Login: Smithsonian

Password: EAP


Call directly:  1-800-346-0110

+44 20-8987-6230 (from Panama)

or contact for login help.

STRI Support

The Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute offers various forms of support:

1) The Smithsonian's official venue for reporting incidents is through the SI Civil program

You can report any issues through the program Voice It, available 24/7 in English and in Spanish.

You can also contact: Amanda Jones,

Phone: 202-633-6379

Hotline: 202-633-6620

Click here for a list of additional people you can contact through this program

2) STRI human resources can provide info and other resources about the reporting process

Contact:, 507-212-8250

3) The Ombuds provides employees and affiliated staff with a neutral, independent, informal, and confidential alternative to address workplace
issues and conflicts.

Contact: Shadella Davis,
Phone: 202-633-2010 (confidential voicemail).

Peer support

They have volunteered to act as a first point of contact for any concerns and are happy to talk with you unofficially about anything that has happened. They can tell you what the reporting steps are if you decide to take that route. Because they are not mandatory reporters (unlike STRI employees) they have no legal obligations to report anything to the Smithsonian administration. They will act in complete confidentiality.  Please feel free to contact any of them about any events that happened to you or if you were a bystander to events at any time in the past, or if you just want to find out more information, with no obligations.


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