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Image by Chema Photo

Incident report process

If you have witnessed or been the victim of threats of violence, incidents of intimidation, or harassment, STRI and the Smithsonian offer several options to get help, whether you would like to make a report, talk about ways to resolve a conflict, or simply speak to someone in confidence.


Official STRI resources:

Support resources overview

Flowchart of reporting options


* Read the IDEA guide on how to talk about sexual assault and support survivors *

Who can I talk to?

Peer support

Pastel Gradient

These volunteers have no formal training, but are trusted community members, have volunteered to act as a first point of contact for concerns and are happy to talk with you unofficially. Because they are not mandatory reporters, they have no legal obligation to report anything to the Smithsonian administration. They will act in complete confidentiality. Volunteers can be reached at

SI Civil Program

Pastel Gradient

Coordinator: Amanda Jones,

Local Panama-based SI Civil Specialist, Jaime Velasco (, +507 6379 8468)


You can report any issues through the program Voice It, available 24/7 in English and in Spanish.


The SI Civil Program Coordinator will determine whether an investigation is necessary. Depending on the severity of the incident, the SI Civil Program Coordinator will consult with you on possible outcomes including mediation between the parties, having the perpetrator attend trainings, disciplinary action, or other outcomes.

Local contacts

Pastel Gradient

• The person’s supervisor, host, or mentor

• Your own supervisor, host, or mentor

• Any Smithsonian supervisor or management official

• Anyone in the STRI Office of Human Resources

Any of the local SI Civil Resource Contacts, located at each of the STRI facilities, field stations, and departments


All of these people are mandatory reporters; as such your complaint will immediately be communicated to the SI Civil Program Coordinator (Amanda Jones,

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Pastel Gradient

Tim Holloman, Manager –Mental Health Therapist with experience in adult mental health, psychotherapy, addictions, and consultation.(+001) 202-633-1054

Debbie Burney, Senior Counselor and Social Worker with extensive experience in case management, grief counseling, and mediation. (+001) 202-633-1099

Karen Howard, Senior Counselor and Social Worker, extensive experience in case management, training and education, and family services. (+001) 202-633-1104

Inova Employee Assistance Program:

800-346-0110 or +44 20 8987 6230 (from Panama)

email for help logging in for live chat:

username: Smithsonian

password: EAP

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